web | print


These are some examples of our
web design work.

AJ Sign Company
Albany Acupuncture
Bertone Photography
Center for Preventive Medicine
  (Dr. Paul Lemanski)

Design Logic Associates, Inc.
Computer Technology Services
Hot Smiles of Saratoga
  (Dr. Nicholas Zacharczenko)

Indigo Hair Studio
Northeastern Association of the
  Blind at Albany

NYS Archives Digital Collections
NYS Archives
NYS Celebration of Teaching
  & Learning CD-ROM

NYS Archives - Throughout
  the Ages

NYS Assoc. of Architects (AIANYS)
NYS Military Museum and Veterans
   Research Center

Patrick Motel Landscape Design
Patriot Glass & Mirror
Project Angels on Earth
Read and Achieve Books
St. Clair Stonework
Valerie Hair Studio

currently in progress...

Bijoux Creations
Full Circle Jewelry
NY State Partnership Trust
NY State Office of Public Broadcasting
Prevention Power


Read and Achieve Books

I designed an informative, introductory web page as a marketing tool to coordinate with other marketing materials for this innovative literacy program for elementary school children. The site will eventually feature more detailed information about how parents can determine their child's reading level, along with an option to purchase books online.



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